Sunday, April 1, 2007


This photograph makes me think that the little girls are far away from home and have stopped to rest for awhile. As the day lingers on the girls are becoming more fatigued and have to stop for a nap. It makes me think that they are a bit scared to be away from home by themselves so one girl decides to stay awake while the other rests her eyes. They are quite young and probably thought that it would have been fun to wander out into the forest to play until they realized that they no longer knew their way back home. They decided to rest beside a tree in so that they could conceal themselves somewhat from others would someone else come into the forest. The girl who is keeping watch has a look of melancholy and maybe a bid of sadness as she is thinking about what to do next. There is probably no food around or an adequate place to shelter the two young girls and the girl is probably feeling a bit worried. It makes me think that maybe there are feelings of neglect stirring within the little girls as no one has come to find them yet. Perhaps the reason they left their home in the first place was neglect as well, the lack of feeling loved from parents so they began to wander hoping to find something else, something that would love them better than where they came from. Perhaps they decided to run away.


Jonathan Tran said...

Wow that is totally crazy story you have there. They're running away? That's nuts. Yeah looking at the picture then looking at the story totally made it seem like they were running away. That's crazy. I'm not sure how much reflection was actually here, but it was a good story. Very good insight on what could of happened. :)

nathanbos said...

This is a pretty interesting picture. The lighting though, makes me think more positively about the picture. Maybe they are just out playing on a sunny day and got tired. They don’t look too happy or content though, so maybe the dreaded possibility of being lost is true. I enjoyed reading your post though, it was well written. It was defiantly kind of hard to figure out links and pictures to use in the subsequent posts this week.